Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Note About Phoebe

by Lois Jamieson

I am very sorry to report that my blog partner and dear friend, Phoebe Maurer, has had some setbacks in her health. She hasn’t

been able to write her great blog posts for a few weeks. She will be back with us shortly. I talked to her yesterday, and I can report to you that she hasn’t lost her wonderful writing spirit. She is talking about writing a sequel to her first book “Circle of Acceptance”. This book came out of a short writing she did when we were attending the Via Linda Writer’s Workshop. We met at the workshop, and despite our many differences in background, we became fond friends that has lasted for these many years. We have critiqued each other’s writing over coffee at the book store.

We have spent many moments sharing our life stories. It was when I turned 80 that we came up with the idea of writing a book together. Of course it is about the perils and joys of aging. When I suggested we start with a blog, she was all for it even though she was not knowledgeable about the internet and cyber space.

I had a good laugh, while talking to her, when she told me she has spent her ‘resting’ time re-reading “War and Peace” and planning her 90th birthday party in July. It is a real joy to know this bright talented lady. She is a better writer than I am, and she has encouraged me along the way. She also told me that she had bought some painting supplies. No, not to paint her kitchen, although, that wouldn’t surprise me.  Phoebe is a very accomplished artist. She hasn’t painted for a few years because of her arthritic hands, but that won’t stop her. She’ll figure a way to paint once again.

So, I am ‘holding down the fort’ so to speak, but soon she’ll be back on the blog writing her stories.

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