Monday, May 2, 2011


Guest post
By Loys Bolduc

Being an octogenarian isn’t all bad. Sometimes it has its advantages and humorous moments. When asked my age I answer honestly and the person responds, “Oh, you don’t look it.” That sounds pretty nice, even though I might question the person’s eyesight or honesty. No one expects much from an octogenarian. They don’t expect me to run a marathon, go door-door getting pledges for a worthy cause or bake and frost four dozen cupcakes for a church bake sale. Best of all, someone might even get up and give me a seat in the doctor’s crowded waiting room.
There are many bright spots. Last month I celebrated my 87th birthday. I donned a Mardi Gras mask and funky glasses and my teen aged grandkids laughed hysterically. They said “Weird, Grandma, but cool.” In
teen talk I guess that’s a compliment.

There are, of course, the drawbacks. I have difficulty getting around and have to use a cane or walker. I’m grateful that I can still live independently with a little help from my Kids. Actually, I get a lot of help from my kids. My eyesight is better than average and I am able to enjoy the beauties of nature, to see the smiles on my grandkids’ faces and to read a good book. My hearing is a little impaired, but I still hear the early morning call of a mourning dove to its mate. I hear the coyotes howling a hundred yards from my back door. What dialogue I miss on TV probably isn’t anything I need to know anyway.
I thank the Good Lord every day for retaining my mental faculties. I enjoy family and friends. I’ve had a very good life.

The world is far from perfect but I’d like to stay around a bit longer.

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